Handy and refillable Flash Preink Pocket stamps now available in 3 sizes

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Handy and refillable Flash Preink Pocket stamps now available in 3 sizes

Effix Stamp provides Refillable Flash Preink Pocket Stamps that are light weight and handy and can be easily stored in your office bags or travel bags.

The stamps are designed keeping in view the user requirements and portability. A patented process in which the flash foam is bonded to ink cartridge makes ink absorption quick and also provides ink refillable property to the petite pocket stamp.

The refillable Flash Preink Pocket stamp series comes in 3 sizes

                                                   SIZE CHART : PS Series
Model Size
PS-01 32X32mm
PS-02 56x24mm
PS-03 67x24mm

These sizes are defied keeping in view the user content, logo orientations and best practices.

Best features of the Preink Pocket stamps are:

  • Refillable Pocket Stamp
  • Compact Handy Design and Light Weight.
  • Keep it in pocket or bag while on tours due to its sleek design.
  • Intuitive Ink Refilling provision.
  • Index Window to affix label displaying the content of the Flash Preink Stamp.
  • Available in 3 different Sizes.