Flash Preink Stamp Mounts
The unique no smell laser rubber is intended to make work easier and more pleasant.
This kind of rubber doesn’t emit any smell while it is being engraved.
Product Description
- Box Type Design with Zigzag Spring enables ‘EVEN’ Impressions.
- Sturdy ABS Plastic ‘Box Type’ Design enables convenience in affixing impressions.
- Inbuilt Zigzag Spring Mechanism having an ergonomical design for quality impressions.
- Inbuilt Zizag Spring made of Special Fibre material for longer life.
- Ink Reservoir for retention of Ink.
- Top Inking feature for continuous ink refilling and stamp delivers thousands of impressions/inking.
- Index Window with provision of affixing the Full text of the Stamp.
- Available in 12 different Sizes.
- Economical Price.
- Product Design Registered and Patented Technology.
NEW Series Flash Preink Mounts with Bonded Foam
The NEW Series Flash Preink Stamp Mounts are available with Bonded Foam. This is a patented technology exclusively developed by Gayatri Graphics Inc.
NEW Series Flash Preink Mounts with 7mm Pre-Cut Foam
The NEW Series Flash Preink Stamp Mounts are available with 7mm Pre-Cut Foam also.
The features of using Bonded Foam in manufacture of Flash Preink Ink Stamp is as follows
- 10 sheets/box. Ready laser rubber is packed in naturally recycled cartons.
- Every rubber sheet is separated by paper – to prevent rubber from sticking together.
- The Flash Foam is bonded with Absorbent Ink Cartridge material and the synthetic material has good and faster ink absorption properties.
- Once the Flash Foam is exposed in the Flash Preink Stamp Machine, just pour the required quantity of Flash Inks over the Ink Cartridge material by opening the Top Cover of the Flash Preink Stamp Mount. The quantity of Flash Inks to be poured varies according to the size of the Flash Preink Stamp Mount. The Inking Chart will be provided by us.
- As the desired quantity of the Flash Ink is poured, assemble the Flash Preink Stamp mount and place it aside for approx. 45 mins to 90 mins, for the Ink to get aborbed in the Bonded Flash Foam The Inking time varies depending on the size of the Flash Preink Stamp Mount.
- The Flash Preink Stamp delivers above 50,000+ impressions, with continuous Inking at every 5,000+ impressions
- This is a Patented Technology of our company and we assure our our Flash Ink Stamps will deliver the best quality impressions.
Additional Benefits of using Bonded Foam Technology to manufacture Flash Preink Stamps
- Faster Production.
- No messing with Inks as the Foam does not have to be dipped in an Inking Tray.
- As the Flash Inks poured are of fixed quantities, there will be no over inking, hence saving on the cost of Flash Inks.
- As there is no Overinking the quality of impressions is very fine.